Stay in touch with NIHO!

Development Consulting

NIHO deals with the challenges of subdivision and development every day and has developed strong in-house expertise on the management of these types of processes.

If you are trying to develop or manage a property, let NIHO’s Development Consulting team help maximize your returns and simplify the complex regulatory requirements of British Columbia’s development environment.
From setting the initial vision and determining the highest and best use of a property, through to successfully shepherding the project through the complicated hurdles of the developmental process, NIHO’s team can deliver the results.


The first step of any successful development is creating the right vision for the project. The vision for the project will drive all of the decisions for the remainder of the project’s life.

Setting the vision for a development project requires a combination of a solid understanding of the local market demand and in-depth knowledge of the various marketable characteristics of the land being developed.
Within its development consulting services, NIHO can provide a landowner with the same in-depth experience and knowledge used by NIHO on each and every one of its own properties to help envision and design the optimal vision for a property.

Working with the landowner, the NIHO team will visit the raw property to assess primary features (views, waterfront), lot limitations, road / driveway building issues, and services and utilities, in order to envision the full potential of the land.

Project Assessment

Prior to committing to the large investment of a development project, NIHO can provide you with a project assessment on the likely issues that you may encounter during the project.

NIHO’s team deals with development issues for rural property almost every day and has the expertise to quickly assess your property and help you to identify the key issues that could likely be encountered in a development project.
Over the past few years the regulatory environment for the development of rural property in BC has become extremely complex. Typical issues that need to be addressed in any current development application include survey design, septic disposal, potable water, access, archeological issues, hydrological issues, geotechnical issues, endangered species issues, fisheries issues, zoning issues, regional political issues, and often ALR issues.

Within its development consulting services, NIHO can perform preliminary background checks on potential issues that may arise during the development of the property as well as visit the property to better identify property features, limitations, and issues that may be an issue in a development process.

Landcor Data Corp, part of the NIHO Group of Companies, has detailed property records and sales data on every property in British Columbia. By using the characteristics of your envisioned development, NIHO has the ability to compile powerful and detailed market searches and generate analysis showing what the potential value, volume, and competition in your market will likely be.

By combining the market analysis with the identified issues of development, NIHO’s development consulting can quickly provide project viability assessments on any rural development.

Project Management

Over the past few years the regulatory environment for the development of rural property in BC has become extremely complex.

Much of the expertise and assistance that was once available from government ministries have been eliminated, forcing potential developers to instead use external consultants.

The average cost for a development approval has skyrocketed and requires specialized expertise for success. Typical issues that need to be addressed in any current development application include survey design, septic disposal, potable water, access, archeological issues, hydrological issues, geotechnical issues, endangered species issues, fisheries issues, zoning issues, regional political issues, and often ALR issues.
Often the various issues that need to be addressed seem to have no clear path for resolution and can be extremely frustrating to solve.

The type of expertise that is needed to be successful in in a development project is diverse. It requires a well-established network of specialized professionals, consultants, and contractors to provide the all of the various services required.

Over the many years of building its own development projects, NIHO has developed a solid network of working relationships with the types of specialists required to design and build a rural development project.
Within its development consulting services, NIHO can help you manage the application and construction phases of your development by using its own in house expertise to manage its trusted network of specialists and professionals.
Leverage the learning and experience of the extended NIHO team on your project. Contact us at [email protected]

Development Partnership

NIHO Land Consulting not only offers consulting services to those looking to identify and promote the highest and best use of their property but also offers co-development opportunities to landowners looking for a long term partner for their land development projects.

If your property has high development feasibility, NIHO’s experienced development team will design and manage the project to completion on a co-development partnership basis.

Services provided by NIHO in this category include all dealings with government officials and First Nations groups, development design and planning, permitting, environmental assessments, archeological assessments, geological assessments, engineering services, construction, and marketing.

If interested in a development partnership opportunity, please inquire for further details.